
DIY Herbal Perineum Tea (Perfect for Postpartum Healing)

Going into my second labor and delivery, I really anticipated my lady parts to need some serious healing. I admit, it made me really nervous. I mean no woman really wants to think about that awkward postpartum stage right after birth where you’re glad you don’t feel like a balloon anymore but you’re dreading what condition you’ll be in after (especially if you had a rough healing time with a prior baby).

Giving birth at home in the water made a huge difference in how I felt the first couple weeks postpartum. I definitely was uncomfortable and had some pain, but nowhere near like I had with Andrew. For that, I was thankful. One thing I had this time around that I didn’t have last time, was an herbal tea my midwife mixed up for me. I kept the brewed tea in a peri bottle near the bathroom and used it every single time I went to the bathroom.

The herbal perineum tea was made up of many different herbs that promoted healing, soothed the swollen areas, and reduced soreness. I loved it so much, I asked my midwife to share what ingredients the tea was comprised of so I could make a batch at home. My younger sister is having her second in a couple months so I thought it would be a nice baby shower gift.

I also thought it would be a great post to share over at Modern Hippie Housewife because she’s expecting her second baby any day now and she loves anything herbal.

Head over to Modern Hippie Housewife to get the ingredients and directions for this DIY Herbal Perineum Tea!

If you’re wondering where to purchase organic, sustainable herbs, I recommend Mountain Rose Herbs. I buy my ingredients for my other business, Naturally Free Blends, and I also purchased the ingredients for this DIY herbal perineum tea from there.

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