Transitioning From an Egg Carton Garden to the Real Deal
Well, the garden is coming along rather well so far!
I transplanted the rest of my lemon cucumber plants and they seem to be doing pretty good. I managed to keep all the lemon cucumber plants alive so far so my gut instinct to transplant a few and leave a couple in the egg cartons did no harm! I did however lose a japanese bumpy cucumber plant and a pole bean but other than that, the plants seem to be thriving. Well, other than the corn. It looks like something is eating it and it’s all yellow. I can’t really see any bugs on there so I’m not too sure what is going on.
My father-in-law got some, ahem, non-organic tomato plants. I do not approve but since it is our garden the right thing would be to have some compromise.
I started another round of seeds in the egg cartons. I planted broccoli, mustard greens, collards, rainbow swiss chard, and pole beans. Many germinated within two days of me planting them. I highly recommend egg carton gardening -seeds seem to do really well in there. I think it’s because moisture and heat are mostly required for germination and the egg carton acts almost as an insulator to really speed up the process. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!
I had Andrew help me plant carrots, beets and turnips in the actual garden — that went rather and unusually smoothly. He decided to use a collard green plant as a seat but that was the extent of “craziness.” I cannot say if we’ll be having some turnips in with the carrots or beets and vice versa but ultimately it was nice to get him in the garden so he can experience life in it’s most simplest and beautiful form. The kids in Andrew’s generation will definitely need this experience in order to be a conscious individual on this planet. Going back to your roots is what it’s all about baby.