Photo Journal: A Pig Roast at Our Local Farm

A month or so ago our local farm, Tara Firma Farms, hosted a pig roast event. Knowing that we were moving out of state the following month, we decided to attend and have one last hoo-rah at our favorite farm. Being a member of Tara Firma Farms has been such a blessing. Not only do they raise happy, healthy animals and great tasting meat, they also have the whole attitude of “our farm is your farm.”

On multiple occasions Andrew and I took a short drive up to the farm and enjoyed watching baby pigs run around and hiked in search of chickens and cows out on the pasture. We truly felt at home and I feel so blessed to have given Andrew that kind of exposure to animals on the farm. He was so comfortable there; he walked around like he owned the place and knew exactly where to find all the animals. I only hope that because of his exposure to where his food came from at such an early age, he will appreciate and respect the food we eat.

When we arrived at the event, we were greeted with smiles. They had the pigs roasting up by where they grow their vegetables and in the barn was a table colorfully decorated with delicious, home cooked foods. I brought deviled eggs (recipe here) and made homemade brownies (recipe here).

We met our friend Meredith there with her two children; Maxwell (5), Naomi (2). The atmosphere was very family oriented and it was really awesome knowing all these people appreciated where their food came from. Below is a little photo journal that highlighted the whole event in my eyes. Enjoy!

food table
the kids; Andrew, Naomi, Maxwell
My family 🙂
My friend Meredith and her kids
Look at that crispy skin!! It was SO good!
Tara (middle) cutting up skin to give to people while they were waiting in line
Tara Smith — owner of Tara Firma Farms
sharing food
doesn’t that absolutely look delicious??
Andrew’s favorite part was the skin
making ice cream
our butcher for the night
the line was always full
satisfaction and appreciation

Do you ever go to farm events?

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