The Campaign for GE-Free Seafood

As the comment period is coming to an end on whether or not to approve the first ever genetically engineered animal in the form of salmon, more and more pressure is starting to build up against the approval. Grassroot movements are very powerful but let’s face it, unless we have some sort of support on a corporate level, the Frankenfish is likely to pass.

Fortunately, the Center for Food Safety, along with Friends of the Earth and a coalition of thirty consumer, food safety, fishing, environmental, sustainable agriculture, parent, public health and animal welfare organizations, has launched a national campaign to keep GE salmon out of our supermarkets and off our plates.

The Campaign for GE-Free Seafood is Officially Launched

The “Campaign for GE-Free Seafood” is asking for grocery stores, seafood restaurants, seafood companies and chefs to join the campaign and publicly commit to not purchasing or selling genetically engineered salmon or any other genetically engineered seafood. Thirty U.S. retailers including big companies like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and Aldi have already committed along with 400 chefs and restaurants across the country.

This is a big victory for the 91% of people who do not wish to have genetically engineered fish and meat approved to be sold in grocery stores.

This also is proof that our voice is being heard.

Even the Senate Agrees with the American People

According to the Center for Food Safety:

“The Center for Food Safety (CFS) applauds the passage of an amendment offered by Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) to the Senate budget resolution in favor of labeling genetically engineered (GE) fish. The amendment, passed by voice vote, modifies the budget resolution to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the labeling of GE fish.

“Passage of the Begich amendment serves as a clear statement that the Senate supports the labeling of genetically engineered fish,” said Colin O’Neil, Director of Government Affairs for the Center for Food Safety. “The American people have spoken loud and clear that genetically engineered fish must be labeled and today the U.S. Senate agreed with them.”


While the Senate Democrats’ budget plan is non-binding, and reconciliation with the GOP-lead House version is unlikely, passage of the Begich amendment will further increase the pressure on the Food and Drug Administration to require the labeling of GE fish, if approved.”

Money Talks!

I think we have an advantage here because of big companies like Whole Foods that have spoken out and stated that they refuse to sell/buy genetically engineered salmon/seafood.

The reality is this: If companies won’t buy the fish to sell to the consumers and the consumers don’t want to buy the fish then there is no demand for it. No demand equals no dinero. In my eyes, this is a big blow to the bio-tech industry.

35 Different Species of GE Fish Are Under Development

This whole idea of having animals genetically engineered to grow bigger, faster (without labels so the majority of us will never know if we are eating it) is downright scary. Unfortunately, it gets even scarier — 35 species of genetically engineered fish are under development already and if Frankenfish gets approved, it will open the floodgates to the approval of genetically engineered livestock.

That means in the near future you may unknowingly be eating chicken, cow, or pig that has been genetically engineered. Are you okay with that?

What You Can Do

The comment period will be ending on April 26, 2013 so it is important to act now and do what you can to make your voice heard.

We need to keep the momentum going so if you can commit to doing 2 of the 5 things listed below, it will surely make a difference.

  • Share this on your social media accounts and tell your friends to share as well
  • Sign the Campaign for GE-Free Seafood petition
  • Submit a comment to the FDA telling them why you believe GE salmon should NOT be approved
  • Go to where you can sign a petition, download materials and/or send a letter to congress
  • Go to your local grocery store and ask them to sign the GE-Free Seafood campaign

Until next time,
Loriel - Healthy Roots, Happy Soul

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