Top 10 Posts on Healthy Roots, Happy Soul for 2013

Happy New Year!

Wow, what a year, right? So many ups and downs, driving across the country twice, relocating, leaving a network, gaining incredible new friends, growing in my personal life and blogging career.. to just name a few.

So much happened and I feel like it literally just flew by. Do you feel that way too?

I hope you achieved many successes (no matter how big or small) and were able to satisfy your soul in some way. I hope you have an equally, if not more, prosperous upcoming year and continue to make small changes to make this world a better place.

I am so excited about 2014 and can’t wait to bring you incredibly awesome content, delicious food recipes and maybe even an eBook on GMOs!

Just in case you missed these posts when they were first published, here is a list of the top 10 most popular posts on Healthy Roots, Happy Soul for 2013. I’ve also included my top 5 favorite posts that are near to my heart.

10. Rosemary Seasoning Salt
Homemade Rosemary Seasoning Salt (made with homemade Italian Seasoning!)

This has been one of my favorite creations because it is so simple and so tasty! Plus, the colors of the pink salt and organic rosemary and vibrant and colorful to the eye. You can put this on anything; roasted potatoes (I promise a recipe is coming soon), chicken, beef… seriously, whatever your soul desires!

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9. Organic Beauty Products Make Perfect Homemade Gifts

This doesn’t surprise me that this post made it in the top 10 because it really is true- homemade organic beauty products make amazing gifts! Who doesn’t want a gift that nourishes from the outside in, is beautiful to look at, completely toxic-free and actually works!?

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8. 27 Crunchy Stocking Stuffer Ideas (Under 25)

Well, it just proves that I am not the only one that thinks normal stocking stuffers are completely worthless and a waste of money! The stocking stuffer gifts I listed in the post not only have value and can actually be used, but they are completely crunchy which makes them that much more awesome! And don’t let the Christmas theme fool you, these are crunchy gifts anyone would love for any type of special occasion or just because.

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7. DIY Seasoning and Herb Ornaments (Plus 22 Homemade Seasoning Ideas)

DIY Seasoning & Herb Ornaments: a gift any foodie would love!

I hope y’all don’t mind that I’m bringing Christmas back, twice, because this DIY Seasoning & Herb Ornament post also made it on the top 10! This was one of my favorite posts but one of the hardest posts that I had to take photos for. I ended up taking a whopping 517 photos to get the few good ones. I love this idea because what foodie wouldn’t want homemade seasoning in a cute ornament for a gift? Plus, you’ll find 22 of the best homemade seasoning recipes to give you inspiration.

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6. Trash Can Compost Bin
DIY Compost Bin

I had no idea that this post would do so well when I published it! I was on a mission to make a compost bin that was frugal, easy and that I could make with the ingredients I had on hand. This post was actually featured on’s newsletter and Facebook page. How awesome is that!?

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5. Egg Carton Gardening With My Toddler

Egg Carton Gardening with my Toddler

I love being real with you guys and this post was no exception. I shared my real experience trying to participate in egg carton gardening with my toddler. It was definitely no rainbows and butterflies experience that many other blogs out there portrayed it to be. Nevertheless, it was a good learning lesson for him and we at least had a little fun without him being grumpy pants.

Maybe next year will be better!

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6 Ingredients to Avoid in Baby Products!

4. 6 Ingredients to Avoid in Baby Products

What turned out as a simple favor to help my good friend Stephanie of Naturally Mindful out, resulted in a post that literally went viral the moment I posted it! No one wants to expose their precious cargo to harmful chemicals but sometimes it’s hard to figure out where to start. This post has 6 specific ingredients you can look to avoid in your little one’s products.

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3. A Really Good Birthday Cake Recipe

Well, phft, just the name itself should earn a spot as number three in the top 10 posts of 2013! This cake really is good and obviously the numbers don’t lie. It’s similar to a yellow cake but made with nutritious einkorn flour, wholesome sugars and is completely dairy-free. Not only that, it is topped with a toasted coconut and has an optional lemon glaze you can drizzle all over it.


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2. 64 Awesome REAL FOOD Ground Beef Recipes

I get it, real food ain’t cheap and most of the times, the price scares people off. Pastured ground beef is one of the easiest ways to get nutrient-dense meat in your family’s bellies without spending an arm and a leg. However, I know for me, I needed inspiration since I don’t know how much tacos and homemade hamburger helper my family can tolerate each week. 🙂 I rounded up 64 of the best real food ground beef recipes to give you inspiration in the kitchen and to also inspire you to get more quality meats in your diet.

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okay… drum roll please….. the number one post of 2013 from Healthy Roots, Happy Soul is…


1. Do Pastured Eggs Need to be Refrigerated?

Yes friends, this was my first viral post in my blogging career and for good reason! No one really talks about why some eggs straight from the farm are sitting on the counter, unrefrigerated when you pick them up and why all eggs from the supermarket are refrigerated. This post not only had the most views in 2013 but it had the most comments, by far. I had a few mean ones in there but many of you backed me up with your own personal experiences and I thank you for that!

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My Top 5 Favorite Posts

  1. I poured my heart and soul into the two-part post of My Journey to Becoming a Peaceful Parent.
  2. When people ask me what I do for a living, I often struggle with the words, “I’m Just a Mom.” However I came to the realization that I am doing the most important (and hardest) job in the world.
  3. Three words: Mini Ghost Peeps. But not just any peeps- peeps made with real food ingredients!
  4. Umm, I’m a huge fan of Mommypotamus so when she accepted my guest post for DIY Unbleached Tea Bags I almost fainted!
  5. I love exposing ingredients in food so I really loved when so many people had no idea GMO’s were in this food.


So, tell me… What would YOU like to see on Healthy Roots, Happy Soul in 2014?

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