How to Use Butternut Squash (11 Yum Recipes!)

You know those vegetables that you walk by at the store or farmer’s market every. single. year?

The ones that look really cool but you have absolutely no idea what to do with them so you just walk by them. Again. For the 75th time.

For me, that vegetable is butternut squash. I want to love you and use you and revel in butternut squash goodness however I have absolutely no idea what to do with you.

In fact, I roasted a butternut squash the other day (completely unprepared with a recipe) and now it is sitting in the back of my refrigerator with mold probably starting to grow on it. Just bein’ real.

This year, though, I have decided to try something new. Try something butternut squash-y.

If you, my friend, have been avoiding butternut squash yet secretly wanting to love it I have 11 fantastic recipes to share with you. I picked these out because they look delicious and easy.

I think the first recipe I’m going to make is the rosemary butternut squash fries because who doesn’t love fries? Although, the butternut tots look pretty kid-friendly and yummy too.

I’m also going to invest in one of these Y peelers so I don’t hate the squash while trying to peel it with a regular peeler. And also because my 5 year old wants to help me peel vegetables but a normal peeler just is too difficult. I think the Y-peeler is going to be much easier with his smaller hands.

Here’s to trying new things and having a plan so they don’t end up rotting in the back of my refrigerator. Cheers!

How to Use Butternut Squash - 11 Scrumptious Recipes

1. Rosemary Butternut Squash Fries via The Organic Kitchen

2. Grain Free Mini Pizzas via Mommypotamus

3. Roasted Butternut Squash with Bacon, Leeks, and Goat Cheese via The Goodhearted Woman

4. Roasted Butternut Squash and Apple Soup via Raising Generation Nourished

More Butternut Squash Recipes

5. Scalloped Butternut Squash with Thyme and Caramelized Onions via Prepare and Nourish

6. Creamy Butternut Squash Soup via The Organic Kitchen

7. Simple and Quick Blender Squash Drop Biscuits via Raising Generation Nourished

8. Butternut Squash Chili Con Carne via The Fit Blog

9. Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto with Candied Pecans via The Organic Kitchen

10. Roasted Butternut Squash Lasagna via Womans Day

11. Butternut Tots with Spicy Maple Mustard via Connoisseurus Veg

What’s your favorite way to use butternut squash? I’d love to hear below!

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