Maple Cinnamon Einkorn Berry Breakfast Porridge

The Fall season is always weird here in central Florida.

The majority of the country is celebrating with cooler weather, leaves changing colors, and breaking out the warm shoes and scarves while us Floridians are still sweating if we’re outside for more than 2.2 seconds and keeping our plants alive because of the miserable heat is a daily chore.

It’s easy for the majority of the country to get behind the start of apples, pumpkin, cinnamon, root vegetables, and every other food that can warm your soul and make you feel all cozy when you know cooler weather is right around the corner. It’s harder for us Floridians because all we’re thinking and hoping for is a Christmas day temperature of less than 80 degrees. Well, at least I am.

Because come on, how do you get in the spirit for Fall and Winter and all cozy things when you feel like your skin is melting each time you walk out the door?

You want to know how I am going to get in the spirit?

I’m going to make a big bowl of this Maple Cinnamon Einkorn Berry Breakfast Porridge and turn the A/C down to 70 so I’m forced to wear a sweater, socks, and wrap a blanket around myself.

If you live in a climate that does get colder at the end of September, you’ll really love this einkorn berry breakfast porridge. It has all the flavors of Fall that make you feel warm and cozy — real maple syrup, cinnamon, and soft cooked apples — and is a perfect reminder that the upcoming months are more about slowing down and letting your body rest.

Einkorn berries: a superior substitution to oatmeal

Have you ever eaten oatmeal and then felt incredibly hungry 48 minutes after eating it? That’s because it doesn’t have as much protein as einkorn. What makes this breakfast porridge so special is that although the consistency is similar to oatmeal, it is actually made with the actual einkorn wheat berries. Fun fact: Einkorn flour is actually the end result of einkorn berries being ground into a flour.

Einkorn berries make a fantastic substitution to oatmeal because it has roughly 30% more protein than modern day wheat and more protein than any other grain. The higher percentage of protein in einkorn allows you to feel sustained much longer after you eat something with einkorn in it. Just take a look at this comparison chart from, where I purchase all my einkorn and einkorn berries from. Read more about einkorn’s history here.

protein: einkorn versus other wheat
photo credit:

Although einkorn does have a substantial increase of protein, I do like to add powdered grass-fed/grass-finished gelatin to the porridge for an even more “stick to your ribs” breakfast meal.

You can customize this einkorn berry breakfast porridge to whatever flavors you love — like adding raisins, honey, bananas, or pears. To me, the simplicity of the cinnamon and maple syrup is what makes me feel so warm and cozy.

Even if it is still a million degrees outside.

Note: With this recipe, there is some ahead of time preparation but the benefit is you can make a big batch and eat from it throughout the week. Simply add whatever milk you want to a pot with the desired amount of porridge and warm over medium heat. Add your flavors, and voila — easy, filling breakfast.

einkorn berry porridge with apples

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Maple Cinnamon Einkorn Berry Breakfast Porridge
  • 1½ cups einkorn wheat berries (where to buy)
  • 4 cups water, divided
  • ½ tsp unrefined sea salt
  • ¼ cup coconut milk or whole milk
  • 1-2 Tbsp real maple syrup
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ Tbsp grass-fed gelatin (where to buy)
  • 3-4 apple chunks, cooked in water until soft
  1. In a large bowl, add einkorn wheat berries and 3 cups water; let sit overnight
  2. In the morning drain the wheat berries in a fine mesh strainer and rinse with cold water. Let completely drain while you're grabbing the food processor.
  3. Add drained wheat berries to a food processor and pulse to "crack" the berries. Do this until the berries are similar to steel cut oats (5 minutes). Once cracked, add last cup of water and process for a minute.
  4. In a medium pot on high heat bring 5 cups of water to a boil; stir in salt and wheat berries. Bring back up to a boil, stirring constantly, then reduce heat to low and simmer. Cover and cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Once cooked, remove from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes.
  6. Scoop desired portion out and add coconut milk or milk, spices, and sweetener to taste.

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  1. Isn’t 5 cups of water in the final phase of cooking too much? They’ve already been soaked, so won’t it all be too watery? Thanks!

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