Garlic and Dill Baked Flounder Recipe in Brown Butter

Note from Naturally Loriel: I’ve been busy working on my cookbook and testing recipes which means I won’t have as many to share with you on Naturally Loriel. To make sure you still receive delicious real food recipes, I’m rounding up some of my favorite bloggers to share their recipes with us over the next few weeks.

Today’s simple (and delicious!) recipe comes from Rachel of Raias Recipes. If you haven’t checked her blog yet, you must (especially if you are in need of allergy-friendly recipes)! If I were you, I’d start with these Bacon Cookies or this Spiced Chocolate Cake. Yum! Thanks for joining us Rachel!

Garlic and dill baked flounder in browned butter. It’s a mouthful of a title, but don’t worry, this flakey, delicious dish is easy to prepare, and sure to make even the simplest cook feel like a gourmet chef!

My kids and husband rave about this dish’s flavor, and with only a few simple ingredients that most real foodies have on hand beside the fillets, I’m always happy to put it on the menu. Plus, I’m a firm believer that fish is a wonderfully healthy addition to anyone’s diet. 😉

Garlic & Dill Baked Flounder in Browned Butter | gluten-free, grain-free, paleo |

You’ve probably heard the American Heart Association say how we should all be eating fish at least twice a week. It’s high in omega-3’s, protein, etc., etc. But what they don’t tell you is the importance of what kind of fish you eat.

Most fish you find at the grocery store are farmed which means they’re raised in pens suspended in the water and fed a special diet to regulate their fat content. Though farming brings the cost of fish down, it unfortunately increases unnecessary contaminates and toxins (like PCBs), the prominence of disease (such as lice - ew!), and antibiotic use in the fish (for those lice…).

Thankfully, wild-caught flounder is fairly easy to find. Since it is widely used as a recreational game fish, the fish farmers have left it behind for more popular foodie fishes like salmon and trout.

What is the perfect baked flounder recipe? Aromatic garlic, mild dill, and sweet browned butter. Yep -- perfect, tasty, AND easy.
But don’t think that because flounder is not as popular it’s not as healthy! Wild caught flounder is still high in protein, contains all the essential amino acids, and is especially high in lysine and leucine. Lysine is important to help our bodies correctly absorb calcium (which flounder is also high in), and leucine helps regulate cell growth. Since flounder is a cold-water fish, it is also a good source of Vitamin D (making it a good choice if you spend most of your time inside, out of the sun), B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

This easy, satisfying dish combines the health benefits of cold-water, wild-caught flounder with the tasty nutrition found in garlic, dill, and butter. Yes, butter.

Every thing is better with butter, right?

What is the perfect baked flounder recipe? Aromatic garlic, mild dill, and sweet browned butter. Yep -- perfect, tasty, AND easy.
I’ve tried this dish using coconut oil and olive oil, but let me tell you: browned butter is hands down the best. Pair the browned butter with garlic and dill, and it is by far one of my favorite flavor combos.

The wonderfully healthy and aromatic garlic, along with the mild flavor of dill, and the sweet, comforting butter perfectly compliment the delicate, flakey flounder.

You just can’t go wrong with those ingredients for a baked flounder recipe.

Garlic and Dill Baked Flounder in Brown Butter
  • 6-9 fillets of wild caught flounder, thawed or fresh
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 2 Tbl minced garlic
  • ½ tsp dill
  • unrefined salt & pepper, to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 425.
  2. When oven reaches 400, place butter in 9x13” glass baking dish and place it in the oven. By the time the oven is preheated, the butter should be browned. If it isn’t, let the butter heat until it is browned.
  3. When butter is browned, remove dish from oven and dredge the flounder in it, coating both sides.
  4. Arrange the flounder in the baking dish and sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper.
  5. Sprinkle with dill and minced garlic.
  6. Bake for 10 minutes.

Raia is the stay-at-home momma of four (soon to be five) crazy kiddos. She started her blog, Raia’s Recipes, to share her love of gluten-free food with other moms. When she’s not whipping up something in the kitchen, Raia can be found homeschooling her older kids, chasing around her younger ones, eating chocolate, and doing too many loads of laundry.

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  1. I am so happy to see this recipe! I eat a lot of Vital Choice’s mackerel, salmon and sardines but, not a lot of fresh fish because I am not very confident in how to prepare it! This looks really simple! Thanks!

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